Have you been dreaming of growing strawberries in your own garden? In months March, April and May, our Berries@Home strawberry plants will be available at various supermarkets, garden centers and vegetable specialist. The strawberry plants come directly form the greenhouse and the field. Ready to settle in a beautiful garden, on a lovely balcony, or on a delightful rooftop terrace. We hope they care cared for with the same love and passion love and passion as they are accustomed to with us. This way, you'll get the most delicious, summer-sweet strawberries!
Tips for the best care
Sunny and sheltered place | Place the strawberry plant in a nice sunny and sheltered spot. Under these conditions, the plant thrives best and the strawberries develop a delicious summer sweet taste. |
Enough water | Ensure the strawberry plant receives sufficient water, especially during the growing season. On dry, sunny days, we recommend giving the plant a generous amount of water at least once a day. However, be careful not to overwater the plants, as this increases the risk of fungal growth. |
Fertilize with plant nutritions | After 4 weeks from purchase, we recommend fertilizing the strawberry plant weekly with plant nutritions. If you want to transplant the strawberry plant in the garden, the plant will get enough nutrients from the soil. However, we recommend not transplanting the strawberry plant from pot to the garden until after harvest time. |
Frost protection | Aardbeienplanten zijn niet vorstbestendig. Het is daarom belangrijk om de aardbeienplanten te beschermen tegen temperaturen onder 0 °C. Dit kan door de aardbeienplant af te dekken met plastic. Let er wel op dat de plant moet kunnen blijven ‘ademen’, zodat het vocht weg kan. Anders zal er schimmel ontstaan en kan de plant doodgaan. Na de vorstperiode kunnen de beschermende materialen weer verwijderd worden en zal de aardbeienplant opnieuw gaan groeien. Indien de aardbeienplant (nog) in een pot zit, dan kan de plant natuurlijk ook tijdelijk verplaatst worden naar een vorstvrije omgeving. |
Berries@Home | Stelvenseweg 9 | 4921 PL Made | The Netherlands | T. +31(0) 88 648 2200 | contact@beekersberries.nl